Graduate student job placement

Past EEB graduate students are working in a variety of different types of positions, all over the world. Examples of the type of positions held by our alumni include:

Tenure-track positions: California State University, Chicago Botanic Garden/Northwestern University, Colby College, University of California – Davis, University of Tennessee, University of Texas, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, US Air Force Academy.

Non-tenure track teaching: Northwestern University, University of California – Los Angeles, University of Washington.

Postdoctoral positions: Columbia University, Cornell University, Rutgers University, University of Massachusetts, University of Montana, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center/University of Maryland, Virginia Tech, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

Other academic positions: Curator of Entomology, Lund University; Research Associate, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; Director of Postdoctoral Affairs and Academic Communications, University of Florida; Vice President of Research and Public Programs, San Diego Natural History Museum.

Government: Assistant Director of Marine Fisheries, Connecticut DEEP; CEO, Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology and Public Utilities, Government of Belize.

Non-profit sector: Director of Bird Conservation, Audubon Washington; Conservation Scientist, Chicago Botanic Garden; Director, Environment Program, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation; Conservation Biologist, Vermont Center for Ecostudies.

Private sector: Institute for Wildlife Studies, Openshift Online, Philips Research, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., Stony Creek Brewery, Upserve, WeWork.

Career advice

UConn’s Center for Career Development is a good source of career advice, especially for students who are not thinking about an academic career path.

The National Postdoctoral Association provides general information for those seeking (and in) postdoctoral positions.

The following sites collate information about jobs likely to be of interest to EEB graduate students:

  • Postdoctoral positions: Rxiv
  • Postdoctoral, faculty, and other positions: EcoPhys Jobs
  • Postdoctoral, faculty, and other positions: WFS Job Board

Other web sites with information about jobs in EEB:


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