Graduate Students

Photo of Maurice Amee

Maurice Amee

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Wegrzyn Lab

Photo of Cindy Barreto

Cindy Barreto

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Rubega Lab

Research Interests: Host-parasite interactions; urban evolutionary biology; bird behavior; avian ecology and conservation.

Photo of Peter Billman

Peter Billman

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Urban Lab

Research Interests: Ecological responses to climate change, drivers of animal range limits, biogeography, evolutionary ecology, stress response, and especially how these all tie together in montane systems, globally

Photo of Laura Bizzarri

Laura Bizzarri

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Garcia-Robledo Lab

Research Interests: Mechanisms structuring tropical communities, using phoretic mites as a model system; interaction networks; climate change effects at the organismal and community levels

Photo of Savanna Brown

Savanna Brown

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Jockusch Lab

Research Interests: Molecular mechanisms underlying the evolution and diversification of novel traits, particularly in the body plans of arthropods

Photo of Brandon Chan

Brandon Chan

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Kremer Lab

Research Interests: Climate change effects on phytoplankton-bacteria interactions; antibiotic resistance in marine environments; phytoplankton ecology

Photo of Emma Choi

Emma Choi

Doctoral Student

Tags: Bolnick Lab, everyone

Research Interests: I'm interested in identifying genes that are coevolving between threespine stickleback and a parasitic tapeworm that infects them.

Photo of Tianyu Cui

Tianyu Cui

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Yuan Lab

Research Interests: Evolution of pollination syndromes and the genetic basis of morphological diversity

Photo of Matthew Donahue

Matthew Donahue

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Urban Lab

Research Interests: I'm interested in studying the ways that anthropogenic activities shape evolution on a contemporary timescale and how we can use evolutionary principles to promote conservation

Photo of Kaitlyn Drumma

Kaitlyn Drumma

Masters Student

Tags: Bagchi Lab, everyone

Research Interests: My study interests include natural sciences such as botany, ecology, and zoology

Photo of Jessica Espinosa

Jessica Espinosa

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Rubega Lab

Research Interests: Conservation biology; how seabird movement, behavior, and morphology are affected by climate change and anthropogenic disturbance

Photo of Emily Feng

Emily Feng

Masters Student

Tags: Elphick Lab, everyone

Research Interests: Exploring the interface of human-natural systems; Developing conservation strategies for biodiversity and human well-being

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Margot Gagnon

BS/MS Student

Tags: everyone

Research Interests: Wildlife conservation and ichthyology

Photo of Mandy Game

Mandy Game

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Jockusch Lab

Research Interests: I am interested in the evolution and development of panarthropods

Photo of Franco Gigliotti

Franco Gigliotti

Doctoral Student

Tags: Elphick Lab, everyone

Research Interests: Applied avian ecology, with particular interests in threatened and endangered species, landscape ecology, survey methods, species projections, and remote sensing techniques.

Photo of Cristopher Guzman

Cristopher Guzman

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Wegrzyn Lab

Research Interests: Conservation Genomics, Bioinformatics, Urban Agriculture, Microbiology, and Synthetic Biology

Photo of Sydney Horan

Sydney Horan

Doctoral Student

Tags: Caira Lab, everyone

Research Interests: Host-parasite interactions and environmental change

Photo of Sila Inanoglu

Sila Inanoglu

Tags: everyone, Knutie Lab

Research Interests: Host-parasite relationships and parasite behavior

Photo of Noor Kaur

Noor Kaur

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Jones Lab

Research Interests: I am interested in studying the developmental morphology and genetic mechanisms underlying the diverse leaf shapes in Pelargonium scabrum.

Photo of G. Young Kim

G. Young Kim

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Heyduk Lab

Research Interests: Epiphytic CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) plants in tropical rainforests, specifically native Hawaiian Peperomia (family Piperaceae)

Photo of Chelsea Kintz

Chelsea Kintz

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Rubega Lab

Research Interests: Functional morphology of birds

Photo of Hagen Klobusnik

Hagen Klobusnick

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Kremer Lab

Research Interests: Microbial Community Ecology and Evolution, Theoretical Ecology, Phenotypic Plasticity, Harmful Algal Blooms, Astrobiology, Philosophy of Ecology

Photo of Katja Kwaku

Katja Kwaku

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Urban Lab

Research Interests: Amphibian ecology and conservation

Photo of Hannah Larson

Hannah Larson

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Kremer Lab

Research Interests: Phytoplankton responses to environmental stressors.

Photo of Michael Lascaleia

Michael LaScaleia

Doctoral Student

Tags: Bagchi Lab, everyone

Research Interests: I'm interested in researching why forests contain the species they do, and what we can do to conserve those species. In general, I work with plants (trees) and insects (moths, flies, and wasps), but I'm always interested in every organism that calls the forest home.

Photo of Weijun Liang

Weijun Liang

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Yuan Lab

Research Interests: Evolutionary genetics of floral traits

Photo of Ellie Loew-Mendelson

Ellie Loew-Mendelson

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Heyduk Lab

Research Interests: I am interested in exploring adaptations among the aquatic plants of New England -- how they grow, reproduce, and co-exist

Photo of Noah Manuel

Noah Manuel

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, L. Lewis Lab

Research Interests: Plant and algae taxonomy and evolution are my study interests

Photo of Claire Marino

Claire Marino

Doctoral Student

Tags: Bagchi Lab, everyone, Heyduk Lab

Photo of Kelsey Miles

Kelsey Miles

Doctoral Student

Tags: Elphick Lab, everyone

Research Interests: Physiological and behavioral ecology in family Chrysomelidae: thermal tolerances and impacts of climate change on survivorship, fecundity, behavior, physiology.

Analisa Milkey

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, P. Lewis Lab

Research Interests: Phylogenetic methods

Photo of Baaqeyah Muhammad

Baaqeyah Muhammad

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Jockusch Lab

Research Interests: Evolutionary and developmental consequences of genome expansion in salamanders

Photo of Zach Muscavitch

Zachary Muscavitch

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Goffinet Lab, L. Lewis Lab

Research Interests: Systematics, taxonomy, and phylogeography of lichenized fungi and their symbionts. Symbiont biology

Photo of Frank Muzio

Frank Muzio

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Rubega Lab

Research Interests: Functional and evolutionary morphology of vertebrates, primarily birds and mammals

Photo of Meghan Myles

Meghan Myles

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Wegrzyn Lab

Research Interests: Conservation biology and efficient data management

Photo of Felix Ortega

Felix Ortega

Doctoral Student

Tags: Bernot Lab, everyone

Research Interests: The evolution of parasitic copepods using a combination of taxonomy and systematics with the newest technologies in evolutionary biology and phylogenetics

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Alyssa Pendergast

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Jockusch Lab

Research Interests: Her study interests lie in animal behavior, particularly within and between species, and how that could influence the overall ecosystem

Photo of Lorraine Pérez-Beauchamp

Lorraine Pérez-Beauchamp

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Knutie Lab

Research Interests: Urban ecology, conservation, animal behavior, and disease ecology, specifically how female finch behavior relates to disease risk of urban vs. non-urban finch nestlings

Photo of Sophia Provencher

Sophia Provencher

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Kremer Lab

Research Interests: Phycology, climate change ecology, and trophic level adaptations. Specifically, I want to understand how Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) impact food chains and ecosystem dynamics

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Cappy Pugliese

Masters Student

Tags: Dagilis Lab, everyone

Image used when no photo is available for a person

Coleman Pushlar

BS/MS Student

Tags: everyone

Photo of Jeremy Quiros-Navarro

Jeremy Quiros-Navarro

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Garcia-Robledo Lab

Research Interests: Understanding how the complex interactions between plants and the animals that depend on them (insects and mammals) influence plant health, animal behavior, species fitness, and overall evolutionary ecosystem dynamics

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Maya Ray

Masters Student

Tags: Elphick Lab, everyone

Photo of Kyle Rossner

Kyle Rossner

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Wagner Lab

Research Interests: Factors influencing changes in populations of Lepidoptera in pine barrens ecosystems, the concepts and perception of ecological rarity as they relate to species of megachilid bees, and the biogeography of Nearctic waterscorpions.

Photo of Ketki Samel

Ketki Samel

Doctoral Student

Tags: Elphick Lab, everyone

Research Interests: Community ecology, interspecies interactions, and conservation of Northeastern birds

Photo of Swapna Subramanian

Swapna Subramanian

Doctoral Student

Tags: Bolnick Lab, everyone

Research Interests: Yeast experimental evolution and genetic networks; predicting evolutionary outcomes to climate change

Photo of Brenden Thompson

Brenden Thomson

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Goffinet Lab

Research Interests: My research interests include bryophyte systematics and symbiosis

Photo of Alexandra Thornton

Alexandra Thornton

Masters Student

Tags: everyone, Wagner Lab

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Angley Toro Casiano

BS/MS Student

Tags: everyone

Photo of Nick Van Gilder

Nicholas Van Gilder

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Jockusch Lab

Research Interests: Conservation genetics, systematics, and phylogenetics of plethodontid salamanders

Photo of Vidya Vuruputoor

Vidya Vuruputoor

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Wegrzyn Lab

Research Interests: Genomics and its application towards understanding plant-parasite interactions

Photo of Cynthia Webster

Cynthia Webster

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Wegrzyn Lab

Research Interests: Bioinformatics and conservation genomics

Photo of Netanya Williams

Netanya Williams

Masters Student

Tags: Bernot Lab, everyone

Research Interests: Taxonomy of Pseudotaeniacanthus, a group of parasitic copepods of marine eels.

Photo of Wenjin Yan

Wenjin Yan

Doctoral Student

Tags: everyone, Yuan Lab

Research Interests: The molecular mechanisms of anthocyanin spot patterning in Mimulus