
Photo of Robert Bagchi

Robert Bagchi

Associate Professor

Research Interests: The processes that maintain biodiversity in natural ecosystems (particularly in the tropics); how human activity might affect this biodiversity; the role of biodiversity in the provision of ecosystem functions/services


Photo of James Bernot

James Bernot

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: The evolution of parasitism; parasitic copepod evolution, host-associations, systematics, taxonomy, and morphology; crustacean genomics and phylogeny


Photo of Daniel Bolnick

Daniel Bolnick


Research Interests: Evolution and ecology of variation within species; evolutionary immunology; host-parasite co-evolution; speciation. I combine observational natural history with experiments, theory, and genomics.


Photo of Andrew Bush

Andrew Bush


Research Interests: Paleobiology, including Phanerozoic trends in ecospace utilization and biodiversity; gradient analyses of patchy paleoecologic distributions; and stratigraphy and extinction in the Late Devonian of the Appalachian Basin


Photo of John Cooley

John Cooley

Visiting Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Speciation and mating system evolution; song evolution and genetic boundaries in North American periodical cicadas and New Zealand cicadas


Photo of Miranda Davis

Miranda Davis

Associate Professor in Residence

Research Interests: Wildlife population dynamics and the ecological interactions among large mammal populations; how large mammal populations (specifically carnivores, ungulates) coexist and how these communities can be managed and conserved in the face of rapid environmental change in a human-dominated world


Photo of Pamela Diggle

Pamela Diggle

Professor and Department Head

Research Interests: Effects of genotype, environment, and ontogenetic history on the development and evolutionary diversification of plant phenotypes


Photo of Chris Elphick

Chris Elphick


Research Interests: Avian conservation ecology, especially in coastal and farmland settings; habitat loss, climate change, large-scale conservation planning


Photo of Michael Finiguerra

Michael Finiguerra

Associate Professor in Residence

Research Interests: Evolutionary ecology of zooplankton, specifically how stressors can affect ecological interactions and evolutionary trajectories; pedagogical approaches to teaching science to undergraduates


Photo of Adam Fry

Adam Fry


Research Interests: Avian population genetics and phylogeography; genetics of host-endosymbiont coevolution, particularly the Wolbachia-Drosophila association; identifying best practices in university-level pedagogy


Photo of Nicole Fusco

Nicole Fusco

Assistant Professor in Residence

Research Interests: Urban ecology and evolution, with a specific focus on how urban development affects genetic connectivity & evolution of native species in cities. Biology, Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, Zoology, Anatomy & Physiology


Photo of Carlos Garcia-Robledo

Carlos Garcia-Robledo

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Evolutionary ecology of plant-insect interactions; adaptation to novel environments (e.g., novel hosts, climate change), molecular biology, insect physiology, demography


Photo of Bernard Goffinet

Bernard Goffinet


Research Interests: Systematics of bryophytes and lichenized fungi; evolution of spore dispersal mechanisms and breeding systems in mosses; evolution of multiple symbioses and photomorphism in lichens


Photo of Susan Herrick

Susan Herrick

Assistant Professor in Residence

Research Interests: Behavioral ecology and herpetology, particularly interested in social behavior and interspecific interactions; spatial and acoustic interactions between breeding ranid frogs


Photo of Karolina Heyduk

Karolina Heyduk

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Evolution of plant adaptations to abiotic stress; evolution of CAM photosynthesis; plant ecophysiology; comparative genomics


Photo of Elizabeth Jockusch

Elizabeth Jockusch

Professor and Associate Department Head

Research Interests: Phenotypic evolution; particularly evolution of development and evolution of phenotypic plasticity in basal insects and salamanders; systematics


Photo of Sarah Knutie

Sarah Knutie

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Disease ecology of birds and amphibians; host-microbe interactions; ecotoxicology; invasive species biology; behavioral ecology


Photo of Colin Kremer

Colin Kremer

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Interactions between ecology, evolution, and physiology in variable and changing environments, using math, statistics, and experiments involving phytoplankton


Photo of Louise Lewis

Louise Lewis


Research Interests: Systematics and evolution of green algae, especially terrestrial forms; phylogeny of basal green plants; diversity of desert algae


Photo of Paul Lewis

Paul Lewis


Research Interests: Phylogenetic theory and methodology; statistical phylogenetics with an emphasis on Bayesian phylogenetics; marginal likelihood estimation; estimating information content


Photo of Gene Likens

Gene Likens

Distinguished Research Professor

Research Interests: Long-term, multidisciplinary studies of forest, stream and lake ecosystems in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.


Photo of Yang Liu

Yang Liu

Assistant Research Professor

Research Interests: Bryophyte phylogeny, and evolution of organelle genomes


Photo of Ed McAssey

Edward McAssey

Assistant Professor in Residence

Research Interests: Local adaptation and population genomics in plants; Hybridization and speciation; Photosynthetic evolution; Biology education


Photo of Cory Merow

Cory Merow

Assistant Research Professor

Research Interests: Ecological modeling; maximum entropy methods; Bayesian methods; community ecology; plant demography; the Cape Floristic Region; invasive species


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Susan Preston-Berlin

Assistant Professor in Residence


Photo of Margaret Rubega

Margaret Rubega


Research Interests: Avian functional and evolutionary morphology, especially of feeding structures; feeding mechanics; functional aspects of behavior; ecology; conservation biology


Photo of Kurt Schwenk

Kurt Schwenk


Research Interests: Functional and evolutionary morphology of tetrapod vertebrates, especially feeding and chemoreception in lizards and snakes


Photo of Jeff Seemann

Jeff Seemann


Research Interests: Plant responses to the environment from the level of genes to ecosystems, with a focus on photosynthesis, the global carbon cycle, and the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to rising atmospheric CO2


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H.R. Skeen

Assistant Research Professor


Photo of Stephen Trumbo

Stephen Trumbo


Research Interests: Insects, behavior, physiology, carrion ecology


Photo of Mark Urban

Mark Urban


Research Interests: Community ecology; eco-evolutionary dynamics; microgeographic adaptation; global climate change; metacommunity ecology


Photo of David Wagner

David Wagner


Research Interests: Systematics; phylogenetics, especially of the Lepidoptera; insect behavior and ecology; invertebrate conservation


Photo of Jill Wegrzyn

Jill Wegrzyn

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Scientific databasing and visualization; machine learning; semantic web; ontologies; computational biology; plant genomics; comparative genomics


Photo of Rod Wilson

Rod Wilson


Research Interests: Pedagogy, Development and Molecular Evolution


Photo of Yaowu Yuan

Yaowu Yuan

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Genetics, development, and evolution of phenotypic diversity; genetics of adaptation and speciation; plant-pollinator interactions; transposable elements and plant genomics; plant molecular systematics
