
endangered Butterfly Technicians- Fort Bragg, NC

The Haddad Lab, Michigan State University, is hiring four field technicians for research in North Carolina on the St. Francis satyr butterfly in the summer of 2023. The St. Francis satyr is a federally endangered butterfly that is found only on the Ft. Bragg Army Installation in North Carolina. It is restricted to disturbance-dependent wetlands. Work will include daily monitoring of adult butterflies during flight periods, maintenance of restored habitat, captive-rearing, and breeding of individuals from eggs to adults, vegetation surveys, and assistance with studies on butterfly behavior and plant demography. Technicians will start May 15 and end August 16, with start and end dates somewhat flexible. Field housing is currently being identified by the supervisor and costs will be shared among the technicians. Hourly pay will be dependent on experience.

Applicants must have or be working toward a bachelor’s degree in biology, fisheries and wildlife, or a related field. They must also be comfortable working long hours outdoors in extreme heat and high humidity and be willing to tolerate biting insects and the presence of venomous snakes. Candidates with previous field work experience will be especially favorably received.

Applications must be submitted through the MSU job board:


Questions can be emailed to David Pavlik, pavlikd@msu.edu


The Labs of Elizabeth Sibert (Yale University/WHOI), George Lauder(Harvard University) and Gareth Fraser (University of Florida) arerunning a unique accessible REU program this summer at the intersectionof biology, geology, and engineering with a focus on sharks. Pleaseforward to any interested students/departments. Much more informationis available on the webpage:https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faccessiblesharks.wordpress.com%2Fand&data=05%7C01%7Cpamela.diggle%40uconn.edu%7C043dde61f92146fe158708daf9268cb3%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C638096241207301040%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=%2Bh17jsDgzpLY9qBEZ67Nd8ELThuOWNTV6bd90B72RhQ%3D&reserved=0specific questions can be addressed toaccessiblesharksreu@gmail.com**Paid opportunity for Undergraduates with Disabilities to participatein interdisciplinary research on sharks this summer**Accessible Sharks is an NSF-Funded summer internship program thatsupports undergraduate students with disabilities to participate ininterdisciplinary summer research on sharks. Students will have theopportunity to work on aspects of shark scale development, their fossilrecord, or shark skin-inspired engineering and design, at one of threeinstitutions around the US (University of Florida, Yale University, orHarvard University). The program will run in summer of 2023 and summer of2024, and support a total of 6 students, 3 per summer. It will consistof an 8-week research project, as well as professional developmentopportunities and specific disability in STEM activities and discussions.Successful applicants will join a lab group for the summer, and beprovided with a$5500 stipend, housing, travel support, as well assupport and accommodations related to their individual disability.They will also participate in undergraduate summer research activities attheir location, as well as interdisciplinary cross-institution meetingsand discussions. Remote participation possible and will be considered ona case-by-case basis, although students will be supported and encouragedto participate in person where possible.This REU program is open to all undergraduate students with disabilities(e.g., mobility, sensory, learning, psychological, medical, or otherdisability – please see FAQ section below for more information), whoare majors in biology, geology, environmental science, engineering,or other related fields. Prior research experience is not requiredor expected. Students from historically excluded and non-traditionalbackgrounds are especially encouraged to apply, and preference will begiven to highly motivated students who have not had access to comparableresearch opportunities through their home institutions.To learn more and apply, please visithttps://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faccessiblesharks.wordpress.com%2F&data=05%7C01%7Cpamela.diggle%40uconn.edu%7C043dde61f92146fe158708daf9268cb3%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C638096241207301040%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=Rf%2F%2B5%2FhC4Arg5IUHPMZg%2FKbJ4N%2FfmNCm6Q%2BFsz74zOA%3D&reserved=0

Other: UTexas_ElPaso.REU.Evolution.Summer2023

REU Opportunity Summer 2023: “Research Experience for Undergraduates inChihuahuan Desert Biodiversity” – DEADLINE MARCH 10, 2023The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Department of BiologicalSciences invites applicants for the NSF sponsored Research Experience forUndergraduates (REU) in Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity.  Mentors involvedwith this program conduct research in diverse aspects of ecology andevolutionary biology of extreme environments. This is a 10 week summerprogram. The goal of this program is to provide undergraduate studentswith experience in hypothesis-driven collaborative research utilizingfield based and/or laboratory methods and fully engage students inprojects associated with the ecology and evolution influencing ChihuahuanDesert biodiversity.The program provides:* High quality research experience in ecology and evolutionary biologyin the field and/or lab * Research opportunities at the Indio MountainsResearch Station (IMRS), a 40,000 acre facility controlled by UTEP and/orother Chihuahuan Desert field sites * One-on-one and group mentoringfrom active research faculty in multidisciplinary fields * Training inbioethics and other relevant professional skillsThe program includes:* $6000 stipend for 10 weeks* Housing in shared apartments and field station* Travel reimbursement of up to $600For more information on the program, research projects or to apply pleasevisit: https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.utep.edu%2Fcouri%2Fprograms%2Fcdb-reu%2F&data=05%7C01%7Cpamela.diggle%40uconn.edu%7C4e62ab9c1d454c45c00508daf9194372%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C638096184245046158%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=%2FuDu3mdwt4lu0AdeLyX06emo%2FcBUCqkS0hBG8vQaNYI%3D&reserved=0Enquiries: CDB-REU@utep.edu

LAKES REU Undergraduate Summer Interns

The LAKES REU is funded by the National Science Foundation for the next three years and is currently recruiting our first cohort for this round of funding (8th cohort since the program began). The program aims to better understand the root causes of phosphorus pollution and solutions to the problem, while providing students with an interdisciplinary research experience led by mentors in biology, psychology, anthropology, political science, economics, and engineering. In addition to research, students will have the opportunity to work closely with our community and governmental partners, local citizens, and policy makers. Students will present their work at the end of the summer and will get to see their research directly impact the community around them.

This summer’s session will run from June 4th to August 5th, 2023, and we are recruiting 10 students from the fields listed above or closely related fields. Housing, stipends, and funds for food will be provided to accepted students, and we especially encourage first-generation students, racial and ethnic minorities, women, and other groups underrepresented in the sciences, social sciences, and engineering to apply. Students should be available for the entire duration of the program and should not be working or taking classes during that time

The 2023 LAKES REU program will run from June 4th to August 5th, 2023. The applications will open November 15th, 2022 and all applications and supporting materials are due on 2/1/2023 by 11:59 pm. Please read the rest of this page before starting your application.

Students can apply to work on one of 4 projects for the summer with mentors in the following areas: Psychology (mentor Sarah Wood), Water Quality Monitoring  (mentor Nicole Hayes), Biology and Sustainability  (mentor Arthur Kneeland), or Political Science (mentor Kim Zagorski)

Environmental Social Influence (mentor Sarah Wood)

This project will explore the use of social influence to promote environmentally sustainable behavior change. There is considerable evidence that social influence can increase adoption of a wide range of pro-environment behaviors. However, the variety of contributors to water quality issues in the region may mean there are unique barriers to overcome to make these strategies truly effective in the Red Cedar Watershed. We will gain an understanding of these barriers and explore how to potentially overcome them in designing attitude and behavior change interventions.

Political knowledge, public opinion, and policymaking (mentor Kimberly Zagorski)

Mixed methods projects will look at the intersection of information flows, scientific literacy, policymaking, and public attitudes related to drinking water in Dunn County. The goal is to understand how (mis)information regarding science, behavior, and public policy impact the ability of stakeholders to enact policies designed to maintain clean drinking water. Public opinion surveys, interviews and/or focus groups of Dunn County residents will be used to understand knowledge and concern about water issues, scientific literacy, and trust in local and state actors. Content analysis of news sources and local social media groups will identify the information the public and policymakers are exposed to regarding drinking water.  Interviews with journalists and social media groups will clarify what types of problems and solutions make it to these outlets.  Finally, interviews with local interest groups and county, state, and local government officials will highlight their policy goals and how they use information to achieve them.

Water Quality, Nutrient Dynamics, and Cyanobacteria Blooms (mentor Nicole Hayes)

This project will explore nutrient dynamics and harmful cyanobacterial blooms in the surface waters of the Red Cedar Watershed, building on ongoing work by researchers at UW-Stout. Students will have the opportunity to learn sample collection and analysis techniques and to help guide monitoring efforts by identifying areas prone to pollution due to surrounding land use, are sites of in-stream and surrounding habitat restoration or are slated for future habitat improvement projects. These ongoing monitoring efforts seek to collect more, better-targeted data needed by county officials and practitioners to improve water quality in the Red Cedar Watershed.

Agriculture, Climate Resiliency, and Local Foodsheds (mentor Arthur Kneeland)

This project will explore the intersection of agriculture, sustainable development for climate resiliency, and local supply chains. With an interdisciplinary approach (including agricultural sciences, economics, sustainable development, anthropology, rural sociology, etc.) we will examine the foodshed to determine inroads to alternative cropping methods on farms, in stores, and in production facilities. Much recent research has been done on alternative cropping systems and farm products; we will explore which of these are best suited to the foodshed of the region.


Eligible students include those who:

are available for the duration of the 9-week program from early June through early August (June 4th to August 5th, 2023)

are enrolled in an undergraduate program

have not graduated by June 2023

are not attending classes in Summer 2023

We prioritize students who are most interested in working with the subject matter and research interests of our faculty mentors, first-generation students, racial and ethnic minorities, or women.


Before starting the application form, please be prepared with a transcript (unofficial is fine), resume, personal statement, and names/emails of 2-3 professional references. The personal statement should be one or two pages explaining your interest in the LAKES REU and how it fits with your skills and future academic plans.

What skills and knowledge will you bring to the project and our research?

How will participation in the LAKES REU help you to achieve your goals?

How is this REU and the research we will be doing meaningful, relevant, or interesting to you?


Shark Bay Dolphin Research Project NSF REU Internship Opportunity

Shark Bay Dolphin Research Project NSF REU Internship Opportunity


U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents of the United States who are enrolled as undergraduate students at a U.S. institution at the time of application.


The Shark Bay Dolphin Research Project (SBDRP) is seeking several dedicated research assistants for the upcoming summer field season (late May/early June through mid-August, 2023) in Monkey Mia, Shark Bay, Western Australia. The SBDRP is a long-term research project run in collaboration between Georgetown University and the University of Queensland, and is one of the longest running marine mammal research projects in the world. The SBDRP has been collecting behavioral, life-history, ecological, and genetic data on Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins since the mid 1980s. This field season will focus on ongoing research surrounding the long-term impacts of extreme climate events on the behavioral ecology, fitness and population viability in this dolphin population. We will also be recruiting for the fall field season (early August-December 2023) which will continue our research on maternal investment and social learning. Recent post-baccalaureates should clearly indicate their interest and availability to join us for the summer and/or fall season in their written statement. We will also be conducting a second call for applicants for the fall season later in the spring.

Field work is demanding and requires long hours both on and off the water, but the dolphin research is both fun and rewarding. Field assistants will gain valuable research experience and may have the opportunity to contribute to co-authored publications. We particularly encourage applications from those interested in pursuing graduate school in behavioral ecology or marine mammalogy.


~3 months

Field site:

Monkey Mia, Shark Bay, Western Australia.

Monkey Mia is approximately 850 km north of Perth and is part of the largest World Heritage site in Western Australia. Our field site is beautiful, and includes incredible wildlife such as sharks, rays, turtles, dugongs, whales, and of course, resident bottlenose dolphins. Monkey Mia is remote, but we do have amenities including electricity and running water, reliable cell phone service, and limited internet. Housing will be provided, and the research team will share cooking responsibilities in a communal kitchen and other domestic chores.

Job responsibilities:

Research assistants will help collect extensive behavioral data from the boat, including surveys and focal follows on individual dolphins. Boat work is dependent on weather, but even on windy days we need to be ready to pack up and quickly get out on the water if the wind drops. Days on the water can be consecutive, long, and tiring in variable environmental conditions. This season, we will also be conducting opportunistic genetic biopsy sampling, and we may use drones to collect video footage of the dolphins. Days on land require extensive, and tedious, data entry and processing. If you are interested in an independent research project, we will work with you to develop one.

Most of your time will be spent:

-Searching for and spotting dolphins

-Photographing dolphins

-Driving the boat

-Scribing data during surveys and focal follows

-Entering dolphin sightings and environmental data into the computer

-Doing basic maintenance and equipment prep and cleaning


The ideal candidate will be a student with a science background and a genuine interest in marine mammal science and behavior. This position is well suited for students of marine biology, animal behavior, zoology, ecology, genetics, or similar fields looking to gain additional analytical and in-field experience. Applicants must be able to work closely with a small team (3-6 people). We not only work together, but also live, cook, and eat together, so maturity, humor, a positive attitude and a collaborative nature are critical.

The candidate must:

-Possess basic computer skills

-Be detail oriented, flexible, level headed, and patient

-Possess excellent verbal and communication skills

-Work well both independently and in a team

-Be fluent in English

-Be comfortable on a boat and working in a remote location

-Be prepared to work long, consecutive days, including weekends

The most essential qualifications are that you are flexible, conscientious, and hard-working, and are excited about the research.


This is a paid position. All travel and living expenses (flights, visas, housing and food) will also be covered by the project. We particularly want to encourage candidates from groups that are underrepresented in STEM fields to apply.



Applications are due February 15th, 2023. Any questions can be directed to infommdolphin@gmail.com

2023 CTSG Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Open for submissions!

CTSG Undergraduate Research Fellowship opportunity for summer 2023

The Connecticut Sea Grant Undergraduate Research Fellowship seeks to broaden participation of underrepresented/underserved students in marine and coastal professions by providing early career experience, training and mentorship to the next generation of scientists, decision makers and marine industry professionals.

The program will do so by funding a research fellowship for up to two undergraduate students who represent the social diversity of the communities of Connecticut. Underrepresented minorities and socioeconomically disadvantaged students as well as students of color, indigenous students, U.S. military veterans, members of the LGBTQ community and students with disabilities are encouraged to seek a project mentor with whom to apply for this opportunity.

Up to two fellowships, each with a $5,000 stipend, will be offered this summer to enable selected students to conduct an independent project under the guidance of a project mentor. The application process requires submission of a mentor-proposed natural or social science-based project and a student nomination for the research fellowship. The proposed project must be completed in nine weeks over the summer, and be focused on a coastal, marine or watershed issue relevant to the Connecticut Sea Grant Strategic Plan for 2014-2027, which can be accessed at: https://seagrant.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1985/2022/12/CTSG.Strategic.Plan_.2024-27.final_.pdf.


Submissions must be  received by 5 pm Monday March 13. The complete Call and Guidance on how to apply can be found here: https://seagrant.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1985/2023/01/CTSG-DEI-Undergraduate-Fellowship-2023-final.docx

Read about previous recipients of the CTSG Undergraduate Research Fellowship. 

Seasonal Job Opportunities with the CT DEEP Fisheries Division

Do you love working in the outdoors? Do you have a passion for fish and fisheries? The CT DEEP Fisheries Division’s Inland Fisheries Management program is looking for enthusiastic and motivated people like you to join our team!


The Inland Fisheries Management program hires seasonal resource assistants to work with our fisheries biologists on a wide range of projects, including stocking trout and salmon in our rivers and streams, backpack electrofishing for wild Brook Trout, boat electrofishing in lakes and ponds, raising Northern Pike in our managed marshes, interviewing anglers, and much more.


Learn more and apply at: Job Opening: Environmental Protection Seasonal Resource Assistant – Department of Administrative Services (jobapscloud.com)

Seasonal Project Assistants needed, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

We research the dynamics of mammalian communities and the relationships between mammals, ticks, oak trees, and Lyme disease. Location is the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in New York’s Hudson River Valley.Job Description: Duties include live-trapping small mammals, reliably recording trapping data, sampling abundance of ticks, wildlife camera deployment, and tree seed collection within eastern deciduous forest plots. Early morning and late afternoon hours are required.Qualifications: Meticulous attention to detail and experience in field ecology is required. Prior experience handling small mammals in the field is highly desirable.Employment can begin May 8, 2023, with an end date of approximately November 10, 2023. Position reports to Dr. Richard S. Ostfeld and is full time, 35 hours/week. This is an hourly, non-exempt, non-benefited position.Wage is commensurate with education and experience. All candidates must be authorized to work in the U.S. On-site or nearby housing is available. Proof of COVID-19 vaccination required for employment. Review of applications will begin on January 27, 2023.To Apply: https://www.caryinstitute.org/about/careers-cary?bzid=b5b0328bb2c6


 Please click the “Apply Now” button. Under “Resume” on the application page, click the “Upload Resume” link to upload a single PDF file consisting of a letter of application, a resume, and the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of three professional references. Please contact Patricia Jones (845-677-7600 x. 109) with any questions about applying.The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action (AA) employer. It is the policy of the Institute to provide equal employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, familial status, protected veteran or disabled status, genetic information or any other protected class.

LEARNERSHIP/ STUDENT INTERNSHIP in Field Botany and Native Plant Gardening

The Farmscape Ecology Program (FEP) is dedicated to exploring the human and natural dimensions of the landscape in and around Columbia County, NY through research and outreach. The Program is part of Hawthorne Valley Association, an educational not-for-profit located on a farm in the mid-Hudson Valley of New York. It is comprised of a wildlife ecologist, a botanist, a social scientist, a biologist, an entomology lab manager, a botany technician, and a staff dog.

Our interdisciplinary research explores many dimensions of the historical, current, and potential future interactions of people with the land. An important part of our work is applied farmscape ecology, which involves documenting synergies between agricultural production and nature conservation, as well as creating, managing, and monitoring experimental on-farm habitats for beneficial wildlife.

For the 2023 field season, we are looking for an intern or learner to assist us in the botanical aspects of our applied farmscape ecology work, which involves gardening, botanical research, and public outreach. The season will run approximately three months, from late May to late August. At the end of the three months, if both the intern and FEP agree, there may be an opportunity to extend the position for up to an additional three months in order to help us wrap up our field work and allow the intern/learner to complete an independent project, but that opportunity is not guaranteed.

Activities: The botany learner/intern will be involved in collecting scientific observations through on-farm and off-farm botanical monitoring (e.g. assessing vegetation composition and flower abundance throughout the field season) and phenology (e.g. conducting weekly monitoring of a phenology trail at Hawthorne Valley Farm). They will also participate in many horticulture activities (e.g. creating and maintaining perennial beds in a native plant garden; maintaining on-farm habitats like pollinator beds, beetle banks, hedgerows, and native meadows; and maintaining a small native plant nursery), which will include such tasks as hand weeding, weed whacking, watering, planting/transplanting, seed collecting and mowing. Botany learners/interns may also accompany FEP staff on ecological consultations with private landowners, and they will be involved in a variety of program outreach (e.g. facilitating weekly gardening activities with a small group of volunteers, leading tours of our butterfly house and native plant garden, posting ecological finds through our social media, and staffing an outreach table). The learner/intern will be expected to keep accurate records and to perform data entry. Optionally, the learner/intern may (depending on FEP and farm schedules) have the opportunity to work with the Hawthorne Valley farmers and farm apprentices in the commercial vegetable fields for ½ day per week.

Qualifications: We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in plants and in gardening or agriculture who also enjoy the outdoors and interacting with the public. The ideal candidate has some experience with plant identification and gardening and is eager to hone their skills in these areas, but will also be excited to learn about insects and their interactions with native plants and agriculture. Candidates should be comfortable living and working in a rural setting, be energetic, and thrive outdoors even when the going gets rough (think long hot days in a field without shade!). Given the work environment, it is important that candidates are sociable, able to interact with a diverse range of people of all ages and backgrounds, self-motivated, and can work independently with attention to detail. Most importantly, we are looking for people who are eager to learn. We are seeking experienced students (incoming college juniors and seniors) and recent graduates, but individuals with other backgrounds who feel that they would be a good fit are still encouraged to apply. We expect the candidates to have basic computer skills (Word, Excel) and some academic and/or work experience in field biology, field ecology, natural history, environmental science, sustainable farming/gardening, environmental education, or related fields. A plus would be a candidate with experience in identifying fungi/mushrooms, as our technician has begun to incorporate them into our survey work. A valid driver’s license would also be helpful, but is not required.

Accessibility: We aim to make this position accessible to applicants from diverse backgrounds who are excited by the opportunity, and we encourage people who are under-resourced, BIPOC, or have non-traditional backgrounds to apply. If you have any concerns or questions about the accessibility of this learnership/student internship for your situation, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.

General Conditions: The position is based at Hawthorne Valley Farm, a 500-acre organic and biodynamic diversified farm located in the heart of Columbia County, NY. Successful applicants will be expected to work 40-45 hours per week, which will occasionally include hours that are earlier or later than normal work hours and time on weekends.

Compensation: The botany learner/intern will be provided with housing (a small, private room with a shared kitchen and bathroom) in the Farmscape Ecology Program building and a stipend of $1200/month. We don’t want finances to be a barrier to taking this position, so upon acceptance, the successful candidate will be given the opportunity to apply for a need-based scholarship providing up to an additional $500/month. Please refer to our scholarship description at:


Application Process: To apply, please send a reference; a cover letter highlighting why you are interested in this position, what you hope to learn during your time with us, and any relevant experience you might bring; and contact information for three references to our botany technician, Josie Laing, at jlaing@hawthornevalley.org. We would prefer (but do not require) you to send us your application materials as a single PDF document with the filename FEPBotany2023_YourLastName


New positions for 2023 at The Pond and Lake Connection

Our company continues to grow and we are looking for a few new people to join our team. The position based out of my office in North Franklin CT is for an aquatic specialist/assistant aquatic specialist depending on experience. Our Brookfield location is looking for a similar candidate as well as a few other positions. All resumes can be sent to either nick@thepondandlake.com or Lisa@thepondandlake.com.

  The aquatic specialist position will spend their first year helping a senior specialist perform invasive aquatic weed treatments, algae treatments, Phosphorus sequestration treatments, WQ testing, aeration installation and much more. I am looking for someone with experience trailering boats to bring one of our Airboats to the site each day. They will also learn general aquatic and marginal plant ID, industry products and how they work/how to apply.

  Most applicants do not have the required licensing or direct experience with aquatic treatment products when hired, but we will provide paid time to learn and obtain licensing before the field season starts. Aquatic Specialist Job Posting 2023