Plant Ecology PhD Student Opportunity – UT Austin, Farrior Lab

The Farrior Lab at the University of Texas at Austin is seeking applications for Ph.D. students for Fall 2018. Individuals who are motivated to drive their own research questions and use theory in their work are particularly encouraged to apply. Research in the Farrior Lab focuses broadly on plant ecology with an emphasis in understanding how competitive interactions at the individual level scale up to influence the distribution of plant strategies we see across the globe.

Ongoing projects with opportunities for students include: understanding physiological mechanisms of drought stress, understanding the determinants of forest size structure from the tropics to the temperate zone, and investigating the evolutionary stability of plant species coexistence. Yet research interests need not fit within these projects.

Interested applicants should contact Dr. Caroline Farrior by email ( with a CV (including GPA and GRE scores) and a note describing their research interests and training, including mathematical background when applicable.

Formal applications will be submitted through the UT Austin, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior ( or Plant Biology ( graduate programs. Both programs provide excellent support and are the home to an impressive set of students. Applications are due December 1, 2017.