Seasonal Technicians- Wetlands, Riparian Systems, Mapping, and Botany

Title: =09Seasonal Technicians- Wetlands, Riparian Systems, Mapping, and Botany (3 =96 4 positions) Work Location: Utah Geological Survey, Salt Lake City, UT

Pay Rate: $12 – $14/hr; one technician with strong botany skills may be paid a higher rate Closing Date: March 12, 2017

Employment Period: End of May through end of September, with one or more technicians continuing past end date

Position Description:  The Utah Geological Survey is hiring seasonal technicians for a variety of aquatic projects, including:

1.=09Conducting wetland field assessments to evaluate wetland health and refine an assessment protocol. Major tasks include taking water quality samples with a hand-held meter, describing soil profiles, and evaluating qualitative measures to describe wetland condition. An incumbent with suitable skills may also assist with collecting plant community data. Work will be with a two-person crew.

2.=09Collecting basic data on springs and stream segments. Major tasks include using aerial imagery to identify target survey locations, navigating to both backcountry and front country locations, and collecting basic information on aquatic condition at springs and streams. Work will typically be carried out solo, but the incumbent will have access to an emergency beacon.

3.=09Collecting stream geomorphology data. Major tasks include assessing cross-sections of a stream to identify bank stability, channel features, and riparian buffer. Work will be with a two-person crew.

4.=09Assisting with wetland mapping. Major tasks include conducting field reconnaissance to evaluate wetland boundaries and then mapping wetlands using field notes and aerial imagery in ArcGIS.

5.=09Assisting with other duties as needed, such as data entry/data checking, map making using ArcMap, and drafting figures for scientific publication.

Likely all technicians will have the opportunity to participate in all of the above tasks, though technicians will be assigned a primary task based on their qualifications. Most of the field work will take place as day trips from our office in Salt Lake City, but some overnight travel may be necessary for some projects. Work days will typically consist of four 10+ hour days per week, but other schedules may sometimes be required. This position is a great opportunity to visit seldom-seen parts of Utah and to develop expertise in a variety of wetlands and aquatic systems across the state.

Required Qualifications:

1.=09Completion of at least three years of education towards a bachelor=92s degree in geology, ecology, biology, wetland science, botany , wildlife biology, or other related field.

2.=09Ability to work independently with guidance and ability to collect data accurately and with attention to detail.

3.=09Willingness and ability to work long hours and unusual schedules (including overnights), travel extensively, drive a State of Utah vehicle, hike moderate distances through occasionally rough terrain, and tolerate exposure to extreme heat, rain, biting insects, and other field nuisances.

Preference will be given to individuals with coursework or professional experience in at least one of the following areas (please mention in cover letter):

1.=09ArcGIS (especially map making and digitizing from aerial imagery).

2.=09National Wetland Inventory data and the Cowardin classification system.

4.=09Stream geomorphology concepts.

5.=09Plant identification, especially wetland plants.

6.=09Background in wetlands, streams, riparian areas, and/or aquatic systems.

7.=09At least one season of field experience or demonstrated ability to conduct work outdoors.=20 8.=09Collection practices for water quality data.

9.=09Describing soil profiles and identifying hydric soil indicators.



To apply, submit resume, cover letter, three references (with phone numbers), and available start date to Ryhan Sempler at the Utah Geological Survey,  You may direct all questions to this email. Applications will be accepted through March 12.